photo of college students walking on campus at Cambridge University

Send Students Off to College with Mail-in Ballots and Stamps

Dear Democrats, 

Do you have a college kid in your life?

We’re sure you’ve already had discussions with the young people in your life about the importance of this election, body autonomy, health care and gun safety. Now it’s time to talk about the logistics of voting while your people are away at school.

You can greatly impact this election by helping college-bound young people who are eligible to vote with a few simple steps to make sure their vote (and their dorm mates’ votes) are counted.

1. Work with your college student to make sure they are registered to vote. The last day to register to vote in Pennsylvania before the November, 2022, general election is October 24, 2022. 

2. Be sure they have requested their mail in ballot before they go back to school and don’t forget to double check their college mailing address to be sure they get their ballot. The last day to apply for a mail-in ballot in Pennsylvania is November 1, 2022, and completed mail-in ballots must be received at county boards of elections by 8:00 p.m. on election day, November 8, 2022. 

3. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Send your student back to school with a book or two of stamps. Stamps can be a barrier to getting in those votes! If you pack extra stamps, your student can help make sure their Democratic friends have stamps to mail in their ballots too.

4. We all need reminders to vote. So remind your college-aged kid — and tell them to remind their friends! You can even tell their Alexa to remind them in October…or tell your Alexa to remind you in October. Whatever it takes!


(Gratitude to Haverford Dems for permission to share this post.)